Now, listen up, while I tell you
what I have lately noticed;
it is a common, simple thought
that within your busy, important day
you might just possibly have missed.
Look at a tree, almost any tree.
Stop what you’re doing, be still and look.
Are you watching how it grows?
Somehow that sprawling chunk of wood
wisely knows to extend its arms to the sun
and let in the light, the tree’s source of life.
Hm-m-m, do you possibly believe,
can you take a moment to understand
that here is a truth we can receive?
I said be still. Think a minute now.
Do we need to reach and embrace the light?
Or, is it that sadly, just maybe,
we might not know
what it is that we ought,
we should –
Oh, my goodness gracious!
Are we not as smart as a block of wood?