Manipulations of the Alphabet

Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations

They govern our lives

And send out subtle information

To be sure we don’t commit any deviation.

The DNC and the RNC

Show us how children behave.

The FBI and the CIA

Work underground,

Watching all from a no-trespassing cave.


Determine our futures,

And tell us what to neglect and what to nurture.

The DOD controls

The USA, USAF, USCG, USMC, and the NRNG,

Sending the men and women to foreign shores

To show we have a mighty military.

The WHO and the CDC

Say they work tirelessly

To promote good health religiously.

Speaking of religion,

Many organizations await

The UMC, the LDS, the CJS, the JBC, and the SBA,

All want us to love and not promote hate.

The WEF and the UN

Want to consolidate humanity.

And make us all happy and free of responsibility.

We’ll own nothing, how grand that will be.

The LGBTQI and plus

Push society to amen their sexual rhythms,

And dance frivolously under their rainbow prism.


Make social statements of sorrow

That leave us WFT – waiting for tomorrow.

So many letters shout overt commands

That leave us chagrinned.

You know, it’s just all too much,

So, I guess I’ll close and say, TTFN.