Where is Me
I know the way to town,
I go to a job every day.
I can drive to the mountains.
And plot a course along the way.
I can find a route to most any state.
Who needs a map, folded and square?
My GPS will get me anywhere.
Confidently, I would navigate stormy seas!
But, strange as it seems,
I cannot find the way to Me.
I can find an answer to most any problem.
Search out a clerk in a department store.
I can find the odd sock gobbled by laundry,
And, in a jungle, tame a lion that roars.
I believe I could find the mysterious East,
Without benefit of compass or fee.
But, for all the wonderful things I can do,
I cannot find the way to Me.
Where do I go to find the Me who is lost?
Where is the wonder of that little place?
It seems that somewhere over the years,
Some monster ate Me and left not a trace.
But the Architect who fashioned Me
Made Me to be an eternal design.
So, if I seek the Master Planner,
The answers to Me, I will find.
(Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33)